Timber Ridge (F3-36)

Site Details
This 960-acre site is approximately 20 km SW of Nanton. From Nanton, follow Highway 533 SW to RR 295, then travel for 3 km to reach the most northerly quarter section of the site. This site was secured in partnership with the Hall Family to conserve wildlife habitat and demonstrate sustainable ranching practices. Wildlife in the area includes moose, elk, white-tailed and mule deer, grizzly and black bear, cougar and grouse.
This site is jointly owned by Alberta Conservation Association and the Hall Family. Permission is required to access the site. Call 403-646-5813 to access the site and for seasonal restrictions. To book the site for hunting, calls will only be taken during the first two weeks of August.
Alberta Conservation Association, Glen and Kelly Hall and Family, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Quarter Sections
NE/SE-18-015-29-W4M, SE-08-015-29-W4M, NW-07-015-29-W4M, NW/SW-4-15-29-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.