Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Conservation Site?

All Conservation Sites in this Guide are a result of many individuals, hunters and anglers, organizations, and corporate partners who believe in the value of habitat conservation and the benefits of securing that habitat for wildlife. Each purchase, partnership or donation of property establishes a network of habitat for wildlife and outdoor enthusiasts.

Conservation partners such as Alberta Fish & Game Association (AFGA) and its affiliated clubs as well as Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC) contributed a large number of the Conservation Sites in the Guide. Their involvement makes this one of the most extensive outdoor guides around.

Do I have to pay for access?

All Conservation Sites are available for public use at no cost, year-round.

Can I take my ATV or vehicle on the sites?

Conservation Sites are Foot Access Only.

Who do I contact about making a land donation?

Alberta Conservation Association is flexible in designing the right strategy to fit your needs. Significant tax benefits are available for qualifying land donations under Revenue Canada’s ECOGIFT program.

Visit our Land Donation page for more details OR contact Darren Dorge at 403-562-3292 or email at [email protected].

How do I get my Alberta hunting or fishing license?

Everything you need to purchase a license can be done online at AlbertaRELM.

Where can I find a copy of the Alberta Hunting Regulations and/or Sportfishing Regulations?

Follow the rules and respect Alberta’s wildlife and fish by always abiding by the regulations. Order your copy or download a pdf.

When are lakes stocked?

We stock lakes anywhere from the end of April and all the way through the end of June. Stocking is weather dependent, so we usually start out stocking the lakes in southern Alberta first and work our way north as the ice comes off the water. Our aim is to have all the lakes stocked at least once by the long weekend in May. We also aerate certain lakes over the winter to avoid winterkill and allow the fish to grow bigger. See a complete list of lakes we stock or aerate.

How do I delete my account in the Discover Guide App?

To delete your account in the Discover Guide App and all information associated with it please use the following steps.

  1. Log into your account within the app.
  2. In the main menu, click “More”.

  3. In the popup menu, click “Settings”.

  4. At the bottom of the page click the “Delete Account” button.

When your account is deleted all data associated with it, including your favorite conservation sites, are deleted immediatly. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].

© 2024 . All website design, text, graphics, photos, and the selection and arrangement thereof, are the sole property of Alberta Conservation Association. All Rights Reserved..

Poaching is a serious crime with severe penalties. If convicted, poachers may be fined up to $100,000 and/or be sentenced to six months in jail. See a fish or wildlife crime or have tip? Make the call 24/7.

Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement Officers are responsible for enforcement of the hunting and fishing regulations and Report A Poacher calls.