Buffalo Lake (E3-146)
Site Details
This 563-acre site is approximately 20 km E of Alix on the SW shore of Buffalo Lake in the Buffalo Lake Moraine. From Alix, take Highway 601 NE and E for approximately 13 km, then RR 214 N for 1.6 km. Nestboxes in the mature forest beside Buffalo Lake provide secure nest sites for saw-whet owls and common goldeneye ducks. Shelterbelt planting and crop rotations have transformed this site into an excellent upland game bird habitat. There is no official access/boat launch to Buffalo Lake.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Alberta Conservation Association, Government of Alberta
Quarter Sections
NW/NE/SW/SE-09-040-21-W4M, SW-10-040-21-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.