Rainbow Park Pond - ACA Fish Stocking (D3-7)

Site Details
"Attention: pond treatment in progress. Alum is being applied to reduce nutrient load, improve water quality, and enhance fish survival. For more information, please contact Scott Seward with Alberta Conservation Association at (780) 897-3006." This pond is approximately 7 km E of Westlock. From the junction of Highway 2 and Highway 18 (Clyde Corner), travel 3.2 km W to RR 255, turn S and travel 0.5 km to the Rainbow Park sign. Turn W and follow this road for a short distance to the pond. ACA stocks this pond annually with trout, typically before the May long weekend.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Alberta Conservation Association, Government of Alberta, Westlock County
Quarter Sections
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.