Greenwall (D3-53)

Site Details
This 640-acre site is approximately 13 km SE of Wetaskiwin and consists of native parkland with a mix of upland aspen forest and small wetlands. From Highway 2A at Wetaskiwin, travel E on Highway 613 for 16 km. Travel S on RR 224 for 3.2 km and then W 0.4 km to a parking lot. Wildlife in the area includes white-tailed deer, moose and grouse.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Alberta Conservation Association, Government of Alberta
Quarter Sections
NW-29-045-22-W4M, SE-31-045-22-W4M, NE/SW-32-045-22-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.