Radway Fish Pond – Lake Aeration and ACA Fish Stocking (D3-151)

Site Details

This 2.2-acre pond is just SW of the town of Radway and can be accessed from Railway Avenue and the corner of RR 205. ACA annually stocks this pond with trout, typically before the May long weekend, and aerates the pond during summer and fall.


Refer to County of Thorhild’s rules and regulations regarding parks and campgrounds.


Alberta Conservation Association, Government of Alberta, Radway Lions Club, Shell Canada Limited, Thorhild County

Quarter Sections


Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.

We are currently performing maintenance on this section of the website. Please check back soon.

Do not target practice or sight in firearms on conservation sites. For the safety and enjoyment of all users and neighbouring residences, conduct these activities at a gun range. Baiting to attract wildlife for any purpose is prohibited unless with the expressed written permission by ACA or its partners.