Side Family (C1-111)
Site Details
This 248-acre site is located along the shoreline of Saskatoon Lake approximately 16 km NW of Grande Prairie. Saskatoon Lake is a Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary. The site is accessible from RR 75 or Twp Rd 722. The site comprises mostly shrubland with deciduous forest, riparian habitat and tame hay fields. Wildlife in the area includes mule deer and moose; other game and non-game species may also be seen in the area.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only. Refer to the federally regulated restrictions of the Saskatoon Lake Federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary when recreating on this site. Recreational users on the site are responsible for their actions, or the actions of their pets, that infringe upon the restrictions of the Sanctuary. The bed and shores of Saskatoon Lake are part of the Sanctuary.
Alberta Conservation Association
Quarter Sections
Pt.NW-07-072-07-W6M, Pt.NE-07-072-07-W6M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.