Shell True North Pond - ACA Fish Stocking (C1-108)

Site Details
This pond is about 100 km N of Grande Prairie near Moonshine Lake Provincial Park. It is situated in the Shell True North Forest Conservation Site. To access this pond from Spirit River, travel W on Highway 49 for about 30 km. At Twp Rd 791 continue to travel N on Highway 49 for approximately 400 m, then turn W into the approach and immediately N to the pond. Parking is available along the eastern shore of the waterbody. ACA annually stocks this 0.8-ha pond with trout. Permission is not required to access the pond for fishing. Please refer to the site description for Shell True North Forest (C1-104) for more details.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Alberta Conservation Association, Saddle Hills County, Shell Canada Limited
Quarter Sections
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.