Antelope Creek Ranch (F4-11)

Site Details
This 5,493-acre site is approximately 19 km W of Brooks along Highway 542. The site is managed through the Antelope Creek Management Committee. The working ranch is used as an example of managing for sustainable ranching and conserving native habitat values. For more information, please visit
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only except on designated routes. Follow special restrictions posted on site.
Alberta Wildlife Federation, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Government of Alberta, Wildlife Habitat Canada
Quarter Sections
NW/SW-02-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-03-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-04-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-05-019-16-W4M, NE/SE-06-019-16-W4M, NE/SE-07-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-08-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-09-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-10-019-16-W4M, SW-11-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-16-019-16-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-17-019-16-W4M, NE/SE-18-019-16-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.