CPR Reservoir (F3-14)

Site Details
This 305-acre site is approximately 11 km N of Coaldale on Highway 845. The site is leased until 2025 and is managed as upland cover, which provides outstanding waterfowl and upland game bird nesting cover. Wildlife in the area includes white-tailed and mule deer, pheasant and partridge.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Lethbridge Fish & Game Association
Quarter Sections
NW/NE/SW/SE-13-010-20-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-14-010-20-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-23-010-20-W4M, NW/NE/SW/SE-24-010-20-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.