Daysland (D3-69)
Site Details
This 964-acre site is approximately 20 km S of Holden. Access is on the E side from Highway 855, on the N side from Twp Rd 474, on the W side from RR 163 or on the S side from Twp Rd 472. The site has a typical parkland mix of small wetlands, small deciduous forest stands and open fields. Wildlife in the area includes moose and white-tailed and mule deer.
Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.
Alberta Conservation Association, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Government of Alberta
Quarter Sections
NW/NE/SW/SE-15-047-16-W4M, NW/SW-22-047-16-W4M
Wildlife Management Units
Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.