Bull Trail (F4-22)

Site Details

Immediately N of the Cypress Hills, Bull Trail is a 530-acre site that offers rolling grasslands and wetlands that are home to white-tailed and mule deer, elk, sharp-tailed grouse and many waterfowl. Several at risk species are found here including the Threatened Sprague’s pipit. Many partners came together to invest in this parcel of important native grassland. Ross Creek Conservation Site (F4-20) and Bullshead Conservation Area (F4-19) are nearby.


Day use only. No open fires. Foot access only.


Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Fish & Game Association, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Government of Canada – Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, Multiple Species at Risk, Pheasants Forever – Calgary and Chinook Chapters, Wild Elk Federation

Quarter Sections

NE/SE 08-009-02-W4M, Pt.SW-09-009-02-W4M, NE-05-009-02-W4M, Pt.SE-05-009-02-W4M

Wildlife Management Units


Make sure you have the latest Hunting and Sportfishing Regulations.

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Do not target practice or sight in firearms on conservation sites. For the safety and enjoyment of all users and neighbouring residences, conduct these activities at a gun range. Baiting to attract wildlife for any purpose is prohibited unless with the expressed written permission by ACA or its partners.